Saturday, August 13, 2011

Tying for the "D" - Night 4

Night 4...this half dozen flies were supposed to be "Green Ants" but changed into something close but not exact.  I was short some critical ingredients and also found some fur that I was really interested in trying as a wing in place of squirrel.  The cool thing about this fur is that the diameter of the fiber gets thinner the closer you get to the skin of the pelt.  The downside to tying with most fur and hair is that you (I) inevitably end up with a bulky head.  This stuff worked like a champ...I hope the steelhead agree.

TP shot me a note on the last post and mentioned that I needed to add some purple muddlers.  I'm glad he did.I meant to tie a 1/2 doz and include them with this post  but I found that I am tragically out of good purple deer hair for muddlers.  I have a sweet purple bucktail for Clousers and Deceivers, but it's the long fine hair that doesn't spin or flare very well. I attempted one and included it as a "thanks for the note" fly.  I guess I'll be shopping for some more material in the morning. 


In other news, a permanent cradle for the newly acquired Mad River has been added to the garage wall...this canoe will likely NOT be sold anytime soon.

1 comment:

TS Pearson said...

The purple muddler! Tied nice and sparse-perfect.