Sunday, June 1, 2014

Ride the Lightning

Despite the dark blue and purple clouds in the sky, I saw a hole, an opportunity, on the doppler radar and scurried out to take advantage of the window.  I waded in and began casting with my eyes on the flashes of lightning moving closer. 

I suggested to a couple of young girls in an inflatable raft, 200 yards down the shoreline, that they should consider getting out of the water (and thankfully they listened, even though they were of an age where they could have just as easily flipped me the bird).  I snuck in 4 or 5 whities before things got spooky and planted my feet on dry land.  I walked back to the truck and exchanged the switch rod for my camera.  I tried to take some decent lightning photos with a delayed shutter but they all turned out poorly. 

When the first drops of rain started to settle in I piled into the cab of my truck and headed for home.

I could only drive 15 mph. 

My windshield wipers were defeated by the downpour.

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