At 6:30 this morning I was knee deep in a decent surf in southwest Florida. I had just waded in and was going to fire a streamer into the pilings off of Naples Beach, when a young guy (a kid, I'd call him) about 20, called out from the beach. I turned around and saw a this guy standing just above the wet sand line and waded back to him. It turned out he was a new resident of Naples Florida, fresh in from somewhere in Italy, walking to his job at Hooters. He told me that he just got a "fly pole" and didn't yet know how to use it, though he had tried it out a few times. I said that he ought to try the beach since there was plenty of room to cast. Having said that, I cocked back and let the fly sail into the Gulf. BANG! two strips in and I hooked a spanish mackerel. His eyes went wide and I felt kinda bad, since it's NEVER quite that easy. I released the fish while I continued to chat with him, and in mid sentence about some insight on the finer points of fishing with a fly, I cast again...BANG! I hooked a Jack Crevalle. He bid me a good day, while I released the second fish in as many casts, and took the sand route to Hooters. I suspect he may bring his rod to the beach someday soon.
To recap, yesterday Dale and I spent the day with Capt Alan Hedstrom out of Sanibel Island. Capt Al, is a northern Minnesota transplant. Dale had hired him last year and so when he said that they had caught some snook, I was ready to go. Well snook we found. Not a million, but enough to keep your attention and enough to be thankful that I wasn't viewing the helium filled Macy's Day parade (sponsored by Lunesta). "Hey here comes the 5 story bee from the BEE Movie!" I also managed a strange feat for any mid-westerner who hasn't spent much time in the salt, and, judging from Capt Al's reaction, maybe strange for anybody who HAS fished in a lot of salt water. I caught two Blow Fish on a clouser minnow. (see below) What you won't notice is that Capt Al is holding my rod and the Blow Fish for the photo. Frankly, I wasn't sure how to handle that thing.
So, the trip is done. It was sunny and hot all week, and now it's clear and 28. The family is home safe and sound, tan and happy. I caught my first redfish, snook, lizardfish, pinfish, blow fish and Bonito. The rods are all rinsed and drying as are the reels. It's Friday night and I'm home just in time for the weekend.
Blow Fish #1 as held by Capt Al.
Dale fishing it easy.
Local angler, in the required uniform, fishing the pilings.
Me and my eldest daughter, evening fishing on the beach.