Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Big W

I got the word from C.A. that the smallies were on the bite on the Big W and promptly proposed that we make a break for it the next chance we got...which was today.  We dropped in amongst 2 other boats loaded with fly gear (an odd but welcome sight for this river) and proceeded to sling baitfish patterns into likely nooks and crannies.  We made our way downstream to the "The Bucket" and found that there were two other anglers posted.  Further inspection revealed that they were not complete strangers.  Billy (brother of the International Man of Mystery) whom I know count as a friend and his buddy (and C.A.'s associate) Rob.  Rob instantly won my approval as a worthy candidate for the pole position on the bucket both for his tight loops and for admitting (aloud) that he actually reads a post or two on this very blog. (Greetings Rob). 
We left them to impale the hungrier denizens of the run and proceeded downstream to fish over some strangely selective smallies crashing bait.  As hard as we tried we couldn't get them to eat.  After pounding their last known positions long after we scared the digested baitfish out of them, we finally motored back up to the bucket.  Finding it empty we proceed to feed the smallies that Billy and Rob had so thoughtfully left for us. 

It's always a pleasure to be on the Big W, doubly so when you meet friends out there and they are kind enough to leave a few for you...

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