Me: "do you have any fly recommendations?"
Guide: "ya have da fly wit da rubber leg dat go outda bock?"
Me: "Tan, cream, pearl, olive or brown?"
Guide: "taun"
Me: "Like this?" (holding up a midwestern daydream lashed to a hook)
Guide: "Dat's PERFECT Mon!!! If it had dumbell instedda beadchain eyes?"
Me: "Like this then" (holding up the heavier cousin to the original choice).
Guide: "Dat's de fly, dat s'won"
And that was the second guide in a row that asked for a sample pattern when the day was done.
Now, lest the moral of the story get lost in visions of me dislocating my shoulder patting myself on the back, that's not the point. I was lucky...or I should say "informed" lucky. I start with the known quantities: sink rate, size, color...and then I add pin-striping, spoiler and mag wheels until it feels right. It's also the law of averages. Tie enough light, med and heavy flies in the basic sizes 2, 4, 6 and maybe 8, in the basic colors, tan, cream, olive amber, etc and tie everything long and relatively full and you can reduction tie (barbershop) the fly on the spot.
There is something almost sacrilegious about attempting to tie a fly to imitate a prey that I know nothing about for a predator that I know very little about in an environment that I spend so little time in. But there is something equally smug about pulling it off. This year's batch, thus far, is comprised of flies that are 20-30% longer than anything I've yet tied. I liked the barred craft fur tails on the Borski Slider so I added that to a few patterns. I even went a little 1980's with color and tied a half dozen with more than a hint of pink and another half dozen with a lot of orange. I'm hoping that one of these will turn out to be a winner...if not, I've always got the Crazy Charlies. But, if one kicks ass, I'm going to give it a fitting name like - Midwestern Daydream or Guides Sample.

Hey, really enjoy your blog. I was curious about your boat "Jon Johnson". What brand and how long and wide is it? Also, is that a closed cell foam floor?
It's an off brand boat whose name escapes me at the moment. I do know that it was manufactured by a company that no longer exists. It's a 16' boat with a 36" floor width and about 52" across the beam. I was originally concerned with the boat being too narrow to stand on comfortably, but as it worked out, it fishes well and actually rows better than a wider beam jon. The decking is supported by 2" insulating foam cut to fit the contour of the boat bottom. I cut a pile of these forms and then glued them together so that when I stacked them side to side, they created a flat surface for me to lay the "plastic plywood" on. The plastic plywood is made from recycled carpet and cuts and sands like wood. It doesn't hold water and isn't slippery when it gets wet. It tends to want to warp a little, but I secured it down with aluminum "L" brackets on the main floor. The casting deck is friction fit and slides into the chines on the side, under the seat and under the front deck fore and aft. It's a slick system. I wrapped all of the foam in landscaping cloth and I'm happy to say the boat doesn't "squeak" at all. If you want more info, send me your email address.
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